Miyajima, Japan, 5 November 2006 (Tsering Tsomo) His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Sunday began preliminary teachings on Buddhism at Daishoin Temple in Miyajima Island.  | MIYAJIMA, Japan, 5 November 2006 - A young Japanese woman putting a question for the Dalai Lama after the second day of teaching at Daisyoin Temple. He was teaching on the 'The Three Principles of the Path' by Tsong Khapa. He said that all the problems and conflicts in the world today arises from ignorance. He urged people to cultivate Boddchita way of life and meditate as much on emptiness. (Photo: Lobsang Wangyal |
Speaking on Je Tsongkhapa Losang Drakpa's The Three Principal Aspects of the Path, he said correct understanding of the three Buddhist elements of Renunciation, Bodhicitta (Awakening Mind) and Emptiness is essential for a successful practice of Buddhism. He briefly referred to the increasing interest and studies on Buddhism in the scientific community to find holistic answers in treating mental disorders and illnesses. 'These studies have nothing to do with Buddhist concepts of life-after-death or enlightenment but are efforts to provide happiness in the present life,?he said. He provided an in-depth explanation on the Buddhist concept of 'No Self?to a question from the audience. A Chinese-Buddhist devotee from Shanghai asked him about the effectiveness of Buddhist practice for those involved in commercial activities, which generally tempts one to engage in unethical behavior. To this, the exile Tibetan leader said it is important to practice as much honesty and fairness as possible in business dealings. For three days from Monday, he will empower Buddhist devotees at Daishoin Temple.