| His Holiness the Dalai Lama addressing the Sunday special event public talk on the environment. (Photo by Georgina Cranston/Office of Tibet, London) | Nottingham, UK, 25 May 2008 (The Office of Tibet, London) - Answering a question relating to Tibet’s environment from the well-known British TV presenter Jonathan Dimbleby, His Holiness the Dalai Lama said the eminent danger facing Tibet’s fragile environment cannot wait. 'One problem facing Tibet is in the field of ecology, which we cannot wait. Many major rivers that flow to India, China and other parts of Asia originate in Tibet. I therefore urge Western and even Chinese environmentalists to visit Tibet to study the true condition of the environment there,' His Holiness said. The Tibetan spiritual and temporal leader was speaking at a public talk this afternoon on 'Caring for our World', a special event aimed to make young people aware of environmental issues. The talk was hosted by Jonathan Dimbley, who in his introductory remarks admitted that in his journalistic profession for the last couple of decades he bas come across many world leaders, but non as wise and humble as His Holiness. His Holiness in his brief remark stated that today’s children are the future of the world and therefore they must be educated to show concern for the environment of our planet and the need to create a peaceful and compassionate world.  | A section of the 7,000 young and old in the audience who had packed the Nottingham Arena to hear His Holiness the Dalai Lama. (Photo by Georgina Cranston/Office of Tibet, London) | From the four participating schools in this event, three children had especially been selected to join His Holiness and Mr. Dimbley on the stage to ask questions. Answering a question from one of the children, His Holiness said that people could be made aware about the environment mainly through education. 'Lack of awareness and short-sightedness is not helpful,' His Holiness said. Earlier in the morning and yesterday, His Holiness gave a series of morning and afternoon public talks dealing on topics ranging from 'how to deal with negative emotions' to 'how to lead an ethical life'? His Holiness said money and material development alone cannot guarantee a happy life and stressed the importance of leading a more compassionate life showing universal responsibility. His Holiness also met today with 40 leaders and representatives of various religions and faith based in the Nottinghamshire County. The group audience, requested by the Nottingham Interfaith Council through the Office of Tibet, London, concluded with many of the leaders expressing how much they feel inspired by His Holiness’ work in promoting inter-religious harmony. One of the faith leaders asked a question concerning the plight of Tibet and the Tibetan people.  | Tibetan lamas enjoying a joke shared by His Holiness. (Photo by Georgina Cranston/Office of Tibet, London) | Yesterday, a group of Chinese students, scholars and others teaching or researching in Tibet and China-related fields in UK universities called on His Holiness. They had the opportunity to freely ask His Holiness questions of their choice. His Holiness said the name calling from some of the Chinese officials did not bother him. He said what he finds painful and unfortunate is when innocent Chinese, many of whom are Buddhists, fall victim to the official Chinese propaganda into believing that he is anti-Chinese, which is not at all the case. Because of these baseless allegations, His Holiness has been calling upon the international community and the world media to visit Tibet to thoroughly investigate the true situation in Tibet and also visit Dharamsala where they are at liberty to open 'our files, documents, and even study my speeches' for any traces of these allegations. The atmosphere in the meeting, thanks largely to His Holiness’ presence and warmth, was friendly, with the Chinese students and scholars even expressing appreciation for the opportunity to meet with the Tibetan Nobel Peace Laureate. From tomorrow for the next three days and prior to his departure for Oxford, His Holiness will be giving teachings on 'Investigating Nature of Reality' (Tendrel Toepa). On Tuesday, 27 May, His Holiness will be attending a civic reception at the County Hall hosted by the Nottingham County Council to honour his visit to the city. Report by Office of Tibet, London |