Prague, Czech Republic, 11 December 2011 - Czech
Foreign Minister Mr. Karel Schwarzenberg called on His Holiness the
Dalai Lama this evening at his hotel in Prague.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama said that the Tibetan
spirit especially among the younger generation in Tibet was extremely
strong. He called on governments and parliaments to send fact finding
missions to Tibet to find out the actual situation in there.
He expressed his deep concern about Tibet’s environment. Environment is
not a political issue he said. Tibet’s environment is important for
China as many rivers that start in Tibet flow through China.
He said international environmental experts including from China should
investigate what damages has been done and what can be done to prevent
further damage.
Earlier in the morning, His Holiness the Dalai Lama addressed the
roundtable conference on Democracy and Human Rights in Asia: One Year
After an Empty Chair in Oslo at Charles University in Prague.
Former President Havel who couldn’t attend the conference due to ill
health said in his message that we are entering a rather dangerous
period where human rights and civic freedoms were being sacrificed for
material growth.
“Human rights issues faced with ever growing economic might of a country
like China are being trivialized and economic interests are being
deliberately separated from those dealing with basic freedoms. And this
is very dangerous, not only because solidarity with those pursuing
freedom in different parts of the world is fading but also for
Euro-Atlantic area whose original identity is thus being lost,” said
President Havel.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama
addressing the roundtable conference on Democracy and Human Rights in
Asia at James University in Prague, on December 11, 2011.
Photo/Ondrej Besperát
“We felt very intensely how important aid
from abroad was for us, as well as the support and solidarity of people
from various corners of the world who took interest in out activities,”
he said.
“It was a great encouragement when we saw that there are many people
–often from very far away – who feel a similar responsibility for the
world as we felt. We have been attempting now, for more than twenty
years already, to return that solidarity that we received and to express
support to all those who are fighting for human rights and basic
freedoms in Asia and elsewhere. For people like Liu Xiabo and the likes
of him all over the world,” the message said.
In his address, His Holiness the Dalai Lama said that the 7 billion
people share one home and the survival of this planet depends on us. We
have to think about others’ wellbeing.
The Tibetan leader praised India for its democratic principles and said there is accountability of governance.
China he said, with its recent economic developments have great
potential to make constructive contribution on the global stage.
However, he expressed concern about the present system of government.

Mr Bernard Kouchner, former French
Foreign Minister with His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the roundtable
conference on Democracy and Human Rights in Asia in Prague, on December
11, 2011. Photo/Ondrej Besperát
He said China needs respect from rest of the
world. Respect comes from trust, trust needs transparency. This he said
was lacking in China. The Tibetan spiritual leader said China needs
political reform. The Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao had also called for
such reforms in China.
His Holiness expressed his concern about the growing gap between the rich and the poor, as well as the high level of corruption.
Mr. Bernard Kouchner, former French Foreign Minister said that China is
economically doing well but at the same time, there are lots of people
imprisoned. Arab Spring has worried the Chinese leadership, as they fear
it will come to them.
Dr. Jianli Yang, President and Founder of the Initiatives for China
based in Boston said that China is afraid of Liu Xiaobo, a key author of
Charter 08. The Charter 08 called for democratic changes in China. Over
350 Chinese intellectuals and human rights activists signed the

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with
Nobel Laureate Dr. Shirin Ebadi and Mr. Stéphane Hessel, Co-drafter of
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Prague, on December 11,
Photo/Ondrej Besperát
The conference commemorated the first
anniversary of Nobel Peace Prize to Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo and
focused on the current state of democracy and human rights in Asia.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama was invited to the Czech Republic by former
Czech president Vaclav Havel and Forum2000 who organised the conference.
Nobel Laureate Dr. Shirin Ebadi and Mr. Stéphane Hessel, Co-drafter of
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights also spoke at the conference.
In the afternoon, His Holiness the Dalai Lama spoke about his three
commitments in life during the public talk on Searching for Happiness in
a Troubled World at the Prague Congress Centre.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his public talk in Prague on December 11, 2011. Photo/Ondrej Besperát
He said he has always tried to promote secular
ethnics which he said must be promoted through education starting from
Ultimate source of happiness is within ourselves. A calm mind and
concern for others welfare will help towards happiness. Compassion he
said, is not about having pity for others, but sense of respect for