Dharamsala, HP, India, 7 June 2012 - (by Tendar Tsering, phayul.com) Around six thousands devotees including Indians, foreigners and Tibetans today attended the three-day Introductory Buddhist Teachings by the Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Tsug-la Khang, the main temple in Dharamshala.

Over a thousand Indians are attending an Introductory Teaching on Buddhism by His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the request of Indian Buddhists in Dharamshala, June 7, 2012. Phayul photo/Norbu Wangyal
The teachings have been specially requested by Indian Buddhists.
Over one thousand Indians from the Himalayan region and other parts of India are attending the teachings. In the course of the teachings His Holiness will teach on Kamalashila's The Middling Stages of Meditation (gomrim barpa).
Speaking at the beginning of the teachings, the 76-year old Tibetan leader expressed his happiness with the opportunity to teach Indian Buddhists. The Dalai Lama said he felt as if he was “safely returning” the teachings of Lord Buddha back to Indians, the first practitioners of Buddhism, after preserving it for the last thousand years.
“We respect you (Indians) not only because you are our seniors (as Lord Buddha’s disciples) but also because Lord Buddha was from India,” the Tibetan spiritual leader said. “Today, I feel great being amongst you.”
Devotees from rural India to overseas Indians, from college students to Professors are attending the teachings according to the organisers.
A Buddhist philosophical debate has also been scheduled later in the afternoon in the presence of Buddhist scholars including former Kalon Tripa Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche.
Speaking through a translator in Hindi, the Dalai Lama urged his disciples to have faith in Buddhism through the proper understanding of the teachings of Lord Buddha and to apply those teachings to one’s day to day life.
“Believing in religion without the deeper realisation of the true teachings is not strong enough to stop you from being selfish and doing harmful things to others,” His Holiness said. “It is important to have strong faith by understanding the real meaning of the teachings of Lord Buddha.”
Before breaking for the day, the Dalai Lama said that he will reserve some time for question-answer session on the last day of teachings on Thursday, June 9.